Monday, June 30, 2008

Saturday June 28th


So I agreed to go with Jesse and do the grouse grind. I didn't really know what to expect so I asked a few people who had done it before what it was like. They told me how challanging it was and a few of them said they would never do it again. I was feeling pretty intimidated and was thinking about calling to cancel. I have never even been on a hike before let alone hike up a mountain in 30 degree weather! Anyways, I thought about it more and decided I wasn't going to let my fear get in the way. I went for it and am really glad I did. We managed to get up the mountain in 1 hour and 8 minutes staying at a pretty steady pace. Jesse could've done it alot faster but he stuck with me the whole time. When we got to the top I felt great and couldn't stop smiling. The view was amazing and I was feeling pretty proud of myself for getting through it even though I thought I couldn't. I am doing it again tomorrow with Sherrie and the Deboer clan and look forward to beating my time!

1 comment:

Chad de Boer said...

Nice work lady fun times today :D