Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Thursday, July 3rd

500m row
50-box step ups
500m row
25-wall ball
500m row
3 Rounds
6-Power snatch-OHS-B.squat-good morning-push press

Two new exercises today! The wall balls were pretty hard. I wasn't getting low enough in my squats and I wasn't close enough to the wall because a few times the ball would bounce off and hit the ground. I'm sure I looked pretty funny trying to do these!... they need some practice! Row was good and tired me out as always. The last exercise was pretty fun. I only used the bar but it still challenged me.

1 comment:

Hollie said...

Those wall balls were hard for me too. We haven't done them in a while and I couldn't figure out the distance from the wall either. I know it just felt really hard throwing that damn thing up that high:) The bear complex is always fun eh?? Have a great day and let me know how the condo thing goes, good luck!!!