Thursday, July 3, 2008

Monday, June 30th


3 rounds

10 situps
7 snatches - 25
5 burpees
- Chad 2:07
- Jenn 3:20


5 rounds

15 pushups
15 squats
7 push press
60 skips
400 m run (approximately)
- 14:58 Chad
- 15:38 Jenn

Since crossfit was closed all weekend Chad and I decided to do a little crossfit of our own. I let him choose the workout...what was I thinking! The first rounder was short but I was pretty tired after it. I never would've thought 3 minutes of working out would make me tired! The second round was rough. The easiest parts for me were the squats and skipping. The pushups were bad and in every round after about the tenth pushup I wanted quit. The worst part was the run though. I don't recommend running in 30 degree weather wearing black pants! I am glad Chad was going through it with me because he kept me motivated as always:)


Hollie said...

Great job staying motivated on the long weekend Jenn:) I have missed you!! We will be back on Wednesday - off to Edmonton. We will keep checking in on you and the team while we're away. Have a great weekend and do a little extra for me!! We will be hitting CrossFit Edmonton on Saturday morning:)

Chad de Boer said...

Nice job jenn you rocked that workout. We kept meeting on the run every round so i knew that you were right with me the whole time. Way to get through those f'in pushups. I was feeling those to :)