Monday, July 14, 2008

Tuesday, July 8th

As many rounds in 20 minutes:
5 - Deadlifts 115lbs
10 - Pushups
10 - Single arm DB snatches 20lbs
200m run

This workout was awesome! I liked all the exercises we did today. I managed to get in seven rounds in twenty minutes which felt more like an hour! I was pretty happy with the 115lbs deadlift as it's the heaviest I have done and actually think I could've done more weight if I pushed time:)


Leanna said...

Hey girl, lets here some new stuff! It looked like you were rocking the workout today! I only watched for a couple minutes but still you look like your technique's coming along great! :)

We should get Sherry started on a blog eh?

Leanna said...

Hey I'm gunna do the early class, I hope it's not too busy though as I'm not feeling the squats right now. Rope Climb's are sweet! I love them!